Monday, April 18, 2011

Bluntcard of the Day

Ello Love

Halftone Mac Image

My Little Monkey

My sweet little Emma Bean turned 2 and we had a giant celebration at my parent's house this past weekend. She ran around like a wild woman. This is a rare photo of her actually standing (semi) still, lol. She had so much fun with all her friends and family.

I love her more than the moon and the stars in the whole wide sky... and she knows it!

- A

Smelly Jenny & Stinky Andrea

Best Friends Forever & two of the coolest cats I know...


Smelly Jenny & the Fam

This past weekend I shot my best friend's family portraits (a mother's day gift).
This is one of my favorite staged shots. More to come...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Moving Moon

From The Rime of the Acient Mariner
By Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)

The moving 
Moon went 
up the sky.
And nowhere 

did abide;
Softly she 

was going up,
And a star or 
two beside...

Uffizi or Bust

One of my favorite paintings is the Nascita di Venere, otherwise known as The Birth of Venus. It was painted by Italian renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli, c. 1486 and a simple photograph does not do it justice.
In 2007, I was lucky enough to visit the Uffizi Gallery in Florence which houses hundreds of breathtaking paintings and sculptures, including The Birth of Venus. I love art history and it is currently my mission to make it back there one day. I would love for my daughter to experience Italy the way I was able to.


A Love Letter

Dear Italy,
I miss you.
Love Always,

Three Degrees of Francis Bacon